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P3D4: Programming with spatial data (part 2)

These slides map to the R example slides on Day 24 or P3D10


httpgd::hgd() # for VSCode
httpgd::hgd_browse() # for VSCode

dat <- read_rds("chipotle_nested.rds") %>%
    st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)

cal <- us_counties(states = "California") %>%
    select(countyfp, countyns, name, aland, awater, state_abbr, geometry)

Calculating areas

  • What units are the awater and aland variables in?
  • Does aland include awater?

  • st_area
cal %>%
        states_area = aland + awater,
        sf_area = st_area(geometry)) %>%
    select(name, states_area, aland, sf_area, awater) %>%
    filter(name == "Santa Barbara")

Other spatial calculations

ksu <- tibble(latitude = 34.037876, longitude =  -84.58102) %>%
    st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 3310)
# units are degrees
calw <- cal %>%
    st_transform(3310) %>% # search Units are in meters for buffer.
    filter(name != "San Francisco") %>%
        aland_acres = aland * 0.000247105,
        awater_acres = awater * 0.000247105,
        percent_water = 100 * (awater / aland),
        sf_area = st_area(geometry),
        sf_center = st_centroid(geometry),
        sf_length = st_length(geometry),
        sf_distance = st_distance(sf_center, ksu),
        sf_buffer = st_buffer(sf_center, 24140.2), # 24140.2 is 15 miles
        sf_intersects = st_intersects(., filter(., name == "Los Angeles"), sparse = FALSE)

Now let’s figure out how to plot the varied spatial layers with ggplot2

ggplot(data = calw) +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = sf_intersects)) + 
    geom_sf(aes(geometry = sf_buffer), fill = "white") +
    geom_sf(aes(geometry = sf_center), color = "darkgrey") +
    geom_sf_text(aes(label = name), color = "lightgrey") +
    geom_sf(data = filter(dat, region == "CA"), color = "black") + # our chipotle locations

Counting Chipotle stores by county

Let’s create this chart in ggplot2.

The joining steps

First thing we are going to do is label each Chipotle with its respective county.

store_in_county <- st_join(dat, cal, join = st_within) %>%
    select(placekey, city, region, geometry, countyfp, name)

Notice how I have kepts the countyfp column to use for my join. The name column has the county name from the cal sf object.

placekey city region geometry countyfp name
227-222@627-sd6-7dv White Plains NY POINT (-73.76443 41.03327) NA NA
zzw-223@5r8-fqv-xkf Tulsa OK POINT (-95.96862 36.14081) NA NA
227-222@5z6-96f-btv Palm Desert CA POINT (-116.4031 33.72817) 065 Riverside
222-222@63v-v66-nqz Erie PA POINT (-80.13165 42.1054) NA NA
224-222@5qw-jn9-3yv Fort Worth TX POINT (-97.31382 32.91515) NA NA
22r-222@5z4-zwb-q4v Los Angeles CA POINT (-118.4463 34.06106) 037 Los Angeles

Now we can group them and count by our county keys.

store_in_county_count <- store_in_county %>%
    as_tibble() %>% 
    count(countyfp, name) %>%
    filter(! # drop the NA counts.
countyfp name n
001 Alameda 21
007 Butte 4
013 Contra Costa 13
017 El Dorado 3
019 Fresno 9
023 Humboldt 1

Now we can join the new feature we calculated by county back with our wrangled California sf object calw.

calw <- calw %>%
    left_join(store_in_county_count, fill = 0) %>%
    replace_na(list(n = 0)) 

Finally we can create our map.

calw %>%
ggplot() +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = n)) + 
    scale_fill_continuous(trans = "sqrt") +
    geom_sf(data = filter(dat, region == "CA"), color = "white", shape = "x") +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(fill = "Number of Chipotle\nstores")

Unnesting, calculating, then joining

Creating our county group columns

Notice how the sf object structure is kept for the left object dat and the non-geometry columns are brought into dat from the cal object.

dat_wc <- st_join(dat, cal, join = st_within) 

Unnest and pivot

days_week_long <- dat_wc %>%
    filter(region == "CA") %>%
    as_tibble() %>% # notice this line to break the sf object rules.
    rename(name_county = name) %>%
    unnest(popularity_by_day) %>%
    select(placekey, city, region, contains("raw"),
        name, value, geometry, countyfp, name_county)

Now we have our table of popularity by day in long format. We want to move the days to columns with the counts by day in each column (pivot_wider())

days_week <-  days_week_long %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = value)

Calculating summaries

Now we can create summaries using our new pivoted columns

# average visits per day over the n stores by county.
visits_day_join <- days_week %>%
    group_by(countyfp, name_county) %>%
        count = n(),
        Monday = sum(Monday, na.rm = TRUE) / count,
        Tuesday = sum(Tuesday, na.rm = TRUE) / count,
        Wednesday = sum(Wednesday, na.rm = TRUE) / count,
        Thursday = sum(Thursday, na.rm = TRUE) / count,
        Friday = sum(Friday, na.rm = TRUE) / count,
        Saturday = sum(Saturday, na.rm = TRUE) / count,
        Sunday = sum(Sunday, na.rm = TRUE) / count,
    ) %>%

Combining summaries back into our calw sf object.

calw <- calw %>%
    left_join(visits_day_join %>% select(-name_county)) %>%
    replace_na(list(Monday = 0, Tuesday = 0, Wednesday = 0,
      Thursday = 0, Friday = 0, Saturday = 0, Sunday = 0)) 

Plotting Saturday use

Let’s make a plot similar to our previous chart.

calw %>%
ggplot() +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = Saturday)) + 
    geom_sf(data = filter(dat, region == "CA"), color = "white", shape = "x") +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(fill = "Average store traffic", 
      title = "Saturday traffic for Chipotle")

We can add our count variable to provide some additional insight

calw %>%
ggplot() +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = Saturday)) + 
    geom_sf(aes(geometry = sf_center, size = count), color = "grey") +
    theme_bw() +
    scale_size_continuous(breaks = c(1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75),
      trans = "sqrt", range = c(2, 15)) +
        fill = "Average store traffic",
        size = "Number of stores",
        title = "Saturday traffic for Chipotle")

Plotting with leaflet

calw_4326 <- st_transform(calw, 4326) # will need in 4326 for leaflet 

bins <- c(0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110)
pal <- colorBin("YlOrRd", domain = calw_4326$n)

m <- leaflet(calw_4326) %>%
        data = calw_4326,
        fillColor = ~pal(n),
        fillOpacity = .5,
        color = "darkgrey",
        weight = 2) %>%
        data = filter(dat, region == "CA"),
        radius = 3,
        color = "grey") %>%