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P1D6: Open programming time for Python

First principles weighted mean

  1. Let’s talk about lambda functions
  2. Why we want to use them with df.assign()
  3. Working through a groupby

Plotnine’s port of ggplot2

What are the key differences you have noted between ggplot2 and plotnine?

  • Quoting table columns
  • .save() method versus the ggsave() function.

Questions about Altair

alt.Chart() and the introduction

Note that Altair defaults to placing commas at the thousands. We can fix that with alt.Axis(format='.0f')

You can only use one data object

You can’t facet with multiple data sets. So, we need to get our continent data into our country DataFrame.

  • I create a new continent_color column.
  • Make sure the columns are identically named.
  • In cont_facet I create a country column with 'Continent' repeated. This will help in the detail argument of .mark_line().
  • In cont_facet then create a "Continent" value in the continent_color column. This will allow me to mark it on the legend as the continent average in black.
  • Then we leverage the .append() method from Pandas.
count_facet = (gapminder
    .filter(['country', 'continent', 'year',
    'pop', 'gdpPercap', 'pop100k'], axis=1)
    .assign(continent_color = lambda x: x.continent)
cont_facet = (gm_con
    .filter(['continent', 'year', 'sum_pop', 
        'gdpPercap', 'pop100k'], axis=1)
        country = "Continent",
        continent_color = "Continent" 

dat_facet = count_facet.append(cont_facet)